Dear CDM...
What exactly does a Manager of Complaints Department do? Can he also solve problems? Or just manage complaints or both?
The reason I ask is because I believe one of my posts landed me in some murky water with a coworker. Apparently this person has read my blog..( which is intersting in itself because I didnt think he/she would be interested in it) and it offended him/her. However, this person didnt come directly to me about it, this person reported it to our Manager at work(HUH?). The complaint on the employees part is that I made mention of him/her in one of my posts and I did it on company time. I agreed that I did (as a matter a fact) do this. It is not "illegal" to blog on company time, as we have a lot of down time and basically have free access to the internet. I have been on many different websites just as my coworkers (including the one who has complained about my posting). We have been known as a group to watch YouTube,, purchase things on Ebay or other internet sites like that, etc.... and the list could go on.
I was approached at work(not by the manager) and was told that I could no longer blog at work... which I dont have a problem with. My problem is this... Was I told that I could no longer blog at work due to the fact that I mentioned a coworker (whom I did not identify with the real name.. nor have I ever made mention of WHERE I work) in one of my posts? I dont think this is a matter of blogging at work or not. I believe it was personal for this person and perhaps I hurt their feelings. What if I blog about this person outside of company time? Will this matter? I agree that perhaps morally it's wrong (if you have but legally it's NOT.
Here is my point... I have something called "Freedom of Speech" which is laid out in my Bill of Rights as an american citizen. I have the right to write whatever I want about anyone I want on a free blogging site, which has no rules to whether or not I can blog about certain people. This person (whom I did not invite to my blog site) also has the right as an american citizen to read anything I post on my blog... and I accept that. This person ALSO has the right to NOT read my blog if it upsets him/her, correct? And he/she can also leave a comment about my posting if they so desire.
I do this blog for me.. not for anyone else. Im not here to protect "feelings" or opinions of others. With that being said, Im also not here to intentionally hurt anyones feeling either. I have my own opinions about things that happen in my life. I re-read that posting to make sure I didnt call this person any "names" or make rancid comments about this person, which I didnt. And as a matter a fact, I simply stated how I was feeling about what was going on with the complaining. End of Story.
Is it valid that I can get in trouble with my employer for blogging at work if there are no policies against it? If your answer is yes, then I ask you this.. is it valid that I can get in trouble with my employer if I do the same thing im doing now, but outside of work? How does this work?
Im also aware that if my coworker is reading my blog on his/her time away from work and doesnt like what I have to say(only when it pertains to him/her).. I understand and realize that this could potentially cause tension between us while working together. Also, let it be known that I have only mentioned this person ONE time.. ONE posting. It's not like im running a blog site that is titled: "ALL THE MEAN THINGS I CAN SAY ABOUT MY COWORKER" and actually name this person. I mean arent we going a little over board because of hurt feelings? What about my rights?
I think I would have handled this in a different manner if the person whom im speaking of came directly to me and said.. "I read your blog and it hurt my feelings.. blah, blah, blah", but that's not what happened. Do I then have to stop posting my opinions about all of this? Is it ok that this person can complain about things I do or wear or listen to but I cant do the same, just in a differnt manner? hmmm... good question!
Im interested in what you have to say! Also, understand that Im not trying to be right or wrong here. Im simply trying to get clarification as to WHAT is right and WHAT is not. Where do we draw the line? There is more to this story too.. but that is the basic part of it. Maybe I need to just clear this blog site and start a new one that doesnt identify me and nobody can find me? Then I can say whatever I want.. and protect the innocent! LOL...
Thanks CDM!
**Note to readers: It is 6:49PM and im NOT at work!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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It's a sticky wicket, slippery slope, or a hundred different things.
Part 1 Company time, its theres not your because they are paying you. Even if everyone does whatever it is there option to enforce or not policies.
Part 2 Commenting on a person, this is a much greyer area. First by not naming directly is "this person" really "that person"? It might not be them, only you really know. But commenting on things in a blog is like having a conversation with that someone you confide in, "you would believe what so and so said at work today", or "I heard so and so might get fired tomarrow" It's just your putting it out for all to see (thats where things get grey) Some people have the thinnest skin and can't get over themselves and take everything to heart.
Part C Going above you and not having the Balls (or overies) to confront you directly. That just means they know they are an ass, and would reather try and smear your name. Grow up get a pair and if you have a direct problem take it to that person first.
That is my opinion (which is always right to me)
So what I am saying is your like me Paula always right and everyone else can kiss our asses
Love ya
I say that if whomever is reading your blog knows you in some way personally (friend, enemy, co-worker, family) they should be prepared to read things they may not like. I don't find this any different than choosing to read my daughter's diary...whether is searched for it or whether is stumbled upon it cleaning or she openly invited me to read it. I may read something she did or said that I don't like. Does that change the way she feels or what she did ~ NO! It would maybe discourage her from writing about it in future postings, but other than that, nothing changes.
Paula, you are entiled to say whatever you want about whomever you want. No matter what you write doesn't change the way you feel or what you did whether others agree.
We are GUESTS on your site and if I were you, I would not let anyone dictate your postings. This is FREE SPEECH.
Although I have strong feelings about your co-workers method of approching this, I have strong feelings about adhering to your rights. I will be disappointed if you change your blog to prevent your co-worker from reading it.
(Too bad you can't just ban certain someones from entering your blog site. The rest of us enjoy it AS IS!) is a great website for anyone who has difficulty coping.
Sorry about taking so long to get back here.
As a Marketing/Management major, I can tell you that you got VERY lucky on just being told to not blog anymore. I've seen folks get fired for surfing at work. What's worse is that you have this blog with your picture identity for all to see. Once your identity is made, your employer CAN use this against you if they want to later on down the road. Lots of folks get fired for their Facebook/MySpace pages that have compromising photos or words mentioned. It sucks, I know, but that's the way it goes. Employers are paranoid like that. There is one thing you CAN do. You could start another blog using a different provider(like Worldpress) and don't let your identity slip out, use it as your venting blog. Keep this one P.R. friendly, if you know what I mean. Let's face it, the word is out on your blog, so...
Hope this helps.
And stop blogging on company time!
CDM... ok, I get your point! The thing is, is that we have fairly liberal policies of what we can look at/do on the computer at work. Unfortunately in my line of work, we have a lot of down time, which some of us choose to use on the computer doing whatever it is that we do. I dont think this came down to me actually blogging on company time, it came down to WHAT I apparently said about someone with whom I work.
Either way, youre right.. I should have a second one.. hide my identity and let the volcano erupt.. rather, EXPLODE! It's stressful holding all this "lava" inside!lol..
I appreciate your comments! I hope you keep coming back for more!! ~PL
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