Monday, August 11, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything.. With Salt & Pepper

For the past two weeks, I have referred to Sunday as "Sunday Funday". I'm trying to understand what is possessing me to drink beer on Sunday evenings. I don't care too much for Mondays so drinking until 2am last week and 10pm this past Sunday makes for a very long Monday at work. I half understand this past Sundays escapade. The weather has been exceptionally beautiful here in Minneapolis this past week. Low 80's, no humidity. The evenings cool off enough for a light sweater.. it's awesome. And Sunday was no exception! It was gorgeous out all day. I spent the day watching my nephew's baseball team playing in a tourney (which I will cover in a bit) and the sun was high in the sky and white girl here soaked up some of those rays. When I got home about 4pm, I was thinking about drinking a beer, however, I didnt have any (Note to self: get some beer to keep in fridge for Sunday evenings), so I called my friend and she was available for some beer drinking time!! SUNDAY FUNDAY, baby!! So, needless to say this isnt my fault.. I will blame it on the beautiful weather!! :)

So, I have also spent the past two weekends watching my nephews baseball team play in tournaments. This weekend was the All-Star Tourney. These are 11-12 year old boys playing and I have to say, I was very impressed with their team. They played for the Championship yesterday afternoon, but sadly lost. After the game, they handed out trophies to 2nd place and to 1st place. I walked over to my nephew to give him a hug and he was "pouting" because they lost. I tried to tell him that it's ok.. someone had to lose.. he played a good tournament.. give him some encouragement. He didnt want anything to do with it.. big booger. I asked him if they won the game, would that make him happy? He said, "YEAH"! I also asked him if it's all about winning?, to which he replied, "Yeah". Apparently winning a baseball game is responsible for happiness as well! haha... I told my nephew that he has a lot of disappointments in his future if he thinks "It's all about winning". His team played very well. And let me tell you, I've hesitated going because I have sat through some of his previous games (when he was younger) and it was horribly boring. I needed a keg of beer to keep myself entertained. Since I wasnt able to make any of his regular season games, I decided to go to these tournaments and Im very glad that I did. I had a lot of fun!!

Now, back to this happiness thing: Since I wrote my last blog on happiness, Ive been searching for what makes me happy. Well, it's been found and Im feeling very happy.. i found an AMAZINGLY awesome BRA! For most of you that read my blog, you know that I dont wear bras because I have NEVER found one (although wasnt really looking) that I liked. I hate bras.. hate them.. hate them. I wear the "sports" bras.. Here is the most silly thing of all... I used to work for Macy's as a bra-fitter! I know, I know... just had it set in my head that I hated them and wont ever wear one again. Until Friday. I went to my sisters 20 year high school reunion and I picked a dress from my closet that I havent worn yet. Needless to say, a "sports bra" wasnt going to cut it. So, my sister came through for me and borrowed me one of hers (thankfully our breasts are the same size.. well, enough that I can wear her bra..haha) and I swear, im NOT giving it back! I love it.. it fits me perfectly and it feels good. This is PURE happiness, if you ask me!

Well, im still plugging away at the budget. Today, Im sitting on a whole $7.. and this will have to last me until Thursday. I had $40 yesterday, but needed gas and some groceries. In the last blog I told you about some of the positive things of the budget therefore, today I will list a few of the negative things:

1). Im starting to feel paranoid
2). I eat like a homeless girl
3). I feel guilty when I spend money on eating out at work.
4). I am sometimes skipping dinner at night because I dont want to run out of food.

My paranoia kicks in on Thursdays when I get my wad of cash from the bank. I begin to think about what I need for the week, what I will be doing for the weekend, who's birthday is it this week, do I need cat food, shampoo... how much money will I be spending? I worry that Im not going to have enough money for the whole week... even though Ive been doing this for almost a month now. Im hoping this paranoia will soon subside ..

Also, when I go to the store to get some food for the week.. I make sure that I dont spend more than $30. So, here is what I got at the store last night: Swiss cheese, bread, yogurt, eggs, lettuce, hamburger (to make some spaghetti)... and I think that's it. This my selection for the week to eat.. I will eat cheese sandwiches, (i also have PB & J at home), eggs and left over spaghetti that I made last night. There is some fruit in the fridge too (peaches and apples).. this is it folks.. no joking around here. Ive decided that the homeless eat better than I do.

I ate out at work last Friday because a). I was running late for work & b). I didnt really have anything to bring for lunch. So, I drove to work because I had to leave early(spent $6 on parking) AND I ate out for lunch (OH, the horror.. another $7). Seriously, I felt guilty.. almost like I was doing something wrong. My coworker reminded me that I havent eaten out in 2 weeks and it wasOK to spend $7 on lunch that day. I used to eat out everyday.. approx $30 a week. I used to drive to work almost everyday (at least 3 times a week) which was $5 for parking and however much in gas. I was spending an INSANE amount of money on this crap. Now, I feel guilty if I eat out and drive to work.. and OMG ..if I do them both in the same day? Mental Breakdown for sure!! :)

And the last thing: Sometimes when im running low on food for the week, I will just skip dinner because I need something for lunch the next day. I would rather have lunch at work than eat dinner. It's silly, but it's hard to sit at work with nothing to eat and watch everyone around you shovel food down their throats. So, I decided that I would rather eat lunch than dinner if it comes down to it.

ONE MORE BUDGET POSITIVE: My friends are starting to adopt my budget in to our plans!! It's awesome. My friend Laury & I made plans to go play bar bingo last Thursday night.. but at the last minute she thought of a better plan.. one that included free beer and sitting outside on a golf course looking at some handsome men!!! Bar Bingo's got nothin on Free Beer!! Thanks Laury!

A topic of converstaion that has blossomed the past few days is of the Olympics. I LOVE the Olympics and did spend some time this weekend watching a few things. I will pretty much only watch the events that I like which is.. swimming, diving, gymnastics, track & field,volleyball, basketball.. and that might be about it. I did see some of the Women's Badminton.. which was horrible by the way. Are you serious? This is an Olympic sport? This is the game that you play in your backyard on a nice summer evening with a beer in the left hand and a racket in your right. And now it's in the Olympics? It got me thinking of other weird sports and wondered if we will see these in the future of the Olympics:

Croquet, Beer Pong, Blackjack or any of those addictive games, golf (do they have golf in the Olympics?) .. I dont know.. im sure there are others. Here is a game that was suggested by my supervisor: Is this athlete a Man or Woman?? I thought it was pretty funny because seriously, there are some women competing that resemble men. It's scary.
In closing, I will leave you with a few thoughts: I've had conversations with a few friends about commenting on my blog. Some people dont feel comfortable leaving comments on here and some just dont want to comment, although they really DO. I appreciate ANY comments, questions and concerns you may have. Im more or less doing this for me because it's fun, I like to write and like to share my thoughts with my friends and family, however, your comments mean a lot to me as well. If you dont feel comfortable posting a comment on here, please send me an email and let me know what you think. My blog mojo has been running thick lately (thanks to JS being on vacation) so I will be gettin my bloggin on this week.

Have a great Tuesday!

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