Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We've Got Cream!!

Good morning!! I came to work yesterday with full intentions to blog, and when I went to get my morning cup of coffee, I realized that I didnt have any cream! I'm a fanatic for the flavored cream in my coffee & that's the ONLY way I will drink coffee. No cream.. no coffee. However, as an exception to the rule.. yesterday, since it was a Monday, I did use that NASTY powdered stuff and sugar.. It was disgusting. So, top of my list when I got home last night from work was to go get cream. My favorite is the Coconut flavored cream by Coffeemate. It's delicious! Im on my 3rd cup already this morning.. that's the limit. Needless to say, im able to blog this morning because "We've got cream".

There are a few pressing issues on my mind, however not a whole lot of exciting ones. My coworker was out of town all last week, therefor I didnt have time to blog, so I apologize for that. My friends had been saying all last week.. "have you blogged? When are you going to blog?". Im here and it's now!

First let's talk about my lovely friend Lana!

(A quick pic of my great friends..near and dear to my heart) L-R: John & Michelle, Bobby & Lana, Me & my sister.

I got great news yesterday from Lana & Bobby! They have decided to get married. And let me list the great things about this wedding:

1). They are perfect for eachother. They have been dating for almost 5 years now and I dont remember either one of them fighting. They are both great people and both deserve all the happiness they bring to eachother and everyone else in their lives.

2). Lana asked me to be in her wedding! I havent been in a wedding in decades! So this is very exciting and I feel very honored to have her ask me. We went to high school together, however, didnt find our true friendship until about 7-8 years ago. We've had some good times together in those 7/8 years let me tell you.. some good drunken ones too!! Another great thing about being in this wedding, is that I dont have to bring a date. Im usually scrounging through my male friends.. begging them to come to weddings with me so I dont have to be the one "without" a date. Last year, my sister served as my date to a couple weddings... She was the man of course!! hahahahaha.. just kidding.

3). They decided to have their wedding on Halloween!! How awesome is that? Im not the biggest halloween fan in the state of MN, however, this wedding is going to be a BLAST! I told her that maybe they could have a "theme" wedding.. people can wear costumes, but something that's uniform.. not random costumes. She threw out a Masquarade! Excellent! I hope she follows through with that idea bc it's an awesome idea!

Overall, Im super excited for this event. It's been a while since one of our friends (in our group) has gotten married***. I have been to random weddings over the past couple years of either coworkers or other friends from college, etc... AND.. Lana deserves all the happiness. She has been through some rough patches in life.. been dealt some shitty cards. She has endured the hard times in life and has come out on top! She's beautiful, has a beautiful man by her side ( a long time friend of mine as well), and they will live a great life together. So CHEERS to Bobby & Lana! (***editors note: We have had friends get married in our group, such as John & Michelle, but they got married in Vegas, so not everyone could go. Our friend Jill got married last year, but not everyone was invited to the "wedding" ceremony.. just the reception which was well under way by the time we arrived.. so I dont want to forget them. I just refering to a "traditional" wedding here)

On to other things... let's talk about this wretched budget thing. So, this is my 2nd week on the budget! I still hate it, but learning to deal with it. Seriously, I hate it. Today is Tuesday.. I have $20 in my wallet until Thursday. WHAT? I desperately need gas for my guzzler, but dont want to waste my last $20 on gas!! hahaha.. doesnt that sound stupid? I spoke with Michelle briefly this morning and she told me I could withdraw some money if I needed it from my bank account...like it's a reward for being so good the past 2 weeks. hahahaha... but im NOT going to do it. I will just NOT drive unless it's absolutely necessary for the next 2 days. I take the bus to work everyday, so I dont have to worry about that. I just have to be ok with sitting at home for the next couple days or have someone come and get me. I can do that.. I will guilt someone into coming to pick me up to go somewhere!! hahahahahaha....

I have learned something on this lame ass budget. I have learned to really think about where im going to spend my $150 that I get once a week (and mind you, this $150 is for everything I would spend money on.. gas, food, entertainment, target..garage sales). At first, it sounded like a lot, now it's FOR SURE not enough. But Im managing. So, if I need shampoo, TP, any of that "necessary" stuff.. it comes out of my $150. When Thurs rolls around, I think about what I "need" and what I "want". I always WANT to go and drink some beer with my friends, but what I NEED is an oil change for my truck. Last Friday, I got the drinking bug.. and went to the bar after work with a couple friends, then went home and went out with some other friends. The next day I was scared to look in my wallet. Seriously! I waited all day too look to see how much money I spent (because waiting all day may have made that money come back to me, I guess). I pissed away $40. ARGH! I freaked out... and then I was pissed that I did that. I had fun, but now i'm paying for it. I sit here and beat myself up because Im thinking of all the things I could have spent that money on! hahaha.. it sucks.

I have also learned that I can make it on $150 a week. I have paid off 2 of my bills now.. working on the rest of them. Am I making it sound like im millions in debt? Im not.. but I have worked my way into this hole.. and now im working my way out. When im done paying off these bills (old credit cards, utility bills from when I lived alone, IRS & state revenue for taxes.. etc.. just little things like that.. haha) I will tell you the amount I paid off. The plan is to get this monkey off my back in hopefully a year. It's nice to have goals.

Can you hear that? Yup, it work calling, so it's time to close. I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday and there will be more to come this week... as long as it's "flowing". Sorry, but when it's not flowing, it's not flowing!


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