Friday, July 18, 2008

How could I forget?

Good morning,
After my sisters family read yesterdays blog, her kids were asking "Why werent our pictures on there?"

So as a tribute to my two lovely nieces (Kelsie, 9 & Camryn, 4) and my wonderful nephew (Jonathan, 11) here are some pictures from over the years!!
Now they are SUPER STARS!

Front: Ashlie, Camryn, Aaron & Andy (my brothers)
Back: Johnny, Kelsie & Stephan
Everyone is happy now!!
Today is Friday.. thank god! Although this week seemed to go by pretty fast, it wasnt a great one. Im really struggling with this budget thing. Im worried about running out of cash by next Thrusday. I still need gas for my "gas hog" of a vehicle, which will consume a chunk of my cash, and I still need to purchase a bus pass for next week's bus rides to and from work. I spent a little over $20 last night at the store for some groceries, which I think I got 9 or 10 things.. man groceries are expensive. I started my day yesterday with $150 in cash (my allowance for one week) and today I have $106. Oh, I forgot about that unexpected b-day party for my brother Andy that just popped up last night. You cant go to a b-day party for a kid empty handed, so I gave him some cash. What happens when I want some beer for the weekend? This sucks.
I wanted to go up north again this weekend, but my budget says NO because I will need at least $50 in gas for the vehicle just to get there and back, plus any spending money I may need. So, I will stay home! :( BUT.. on the positive side of this lame budget thing, it makes me get creative when finding things to do for entertainment. Usually Fridays are my going out nights. Tonight im going to go see Mamma Mia... so instead of spending $40 on beer, I will spend $6 on a movie(I have a coupon)! Tomorrow I may hit up some garage sales and see what treasures are out there.. then a party tomorrow afternoon/evening, and Sunday is usually chill day! OK.. I think I can do this.
Still hunting for my camera. Looked a little more last night.. no luck! Where can it be?
Have a great weekend and I will check in next week!!

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