Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is For MOM..

It's not my mom's 60th birthday until March 22nd. But since ive been in party planning mode these past few days, I thought I would do her the favor of posting the pictures we used for the invites for her party. And since my mom has never seen my blog site NOR does she know how to turn on a computer, I think it's safe to assume that she will not see todays posting. And even if she did, she would probably laugh! She's a good sport!

Nice hair mom.. this picture was taken when she was probably in her late 20's. Holy make up.. holy hair doo and holy fugly yellow door we had in our living room. She's got the "white girl Fro" kickin.. lol... omg.. she would pay my sister and I $1 to brush her hair when she would rat it out like that. That was big money back in the 70's.

The next pic to the Right, was when she was in her mid 30's im guessing..Still a lot of make up I think.. but the hair doo calmed down alot! Thank god. Ironically, my mom was a hair stylist for about 25-26 years I believe. She owned a salon in NE Mpls where she made all the "blue hairs" or LOL's beautiful. (for those of you that dont know what these are.. blue hairs are the old bags that have that tint/hint of a purle color to their hair.. and the LOL's are Little Old Ladies.) She's been out of the hair business for a while now. She moved on to the other love of her life: Make up.

OK.. this pic to the Left is a few years old.. however, she looks pretty much the same. She now sells make up for Estee Lauder at the local mall. She's very good at it and everyone loves her.. but not more than her daughters! :) Yes, she's very beautiful and she holds her age very well! Both my parents look good for their age.. thank you God!! I hope this runs in the family.. well at least down my way.

And then we have probably the most current pic (R) of her which was taken about a year and a half ago. She looks the same as the pic to the Left.. except no glasses. I can onky hope that I look half this good when im her age.
So my mom will be the BIG 60. The party is taking place on March 21. We rented a hall for the event. And my dad, what a wonderful man he is... has offered to pay for the entire party. He and my mom have been divorced for about 17 years now.. and they are still good friends. He said that "Fritz" (my mom's nickname) deserves a nice party. So, a nice party it is.. and hopefully she gets a good turn out of good friends and family!
I love my mommy!! xoxoxo

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